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Season of Giving

My church, Hope in the Hills (Beverly Hills, CA), had the lovely opportunity to volunteer with the Menorah Foundation this November.  We served at seniors’ housing in Beverly Hills for six visits… and wow, did we have a MARVELOUS time. Embarking upon a series of making holiday arts and crafts with senior tenants, the visits culminated in a dessert feast finale (none for me, but plenty of kosher and non-kosher options for our new friends!).

The great news is that they’ve invited us to come back and add a third location after this New Year!
“Love, Give, Serve” (as our efforts were named) filled our hearts and spirits with more love, joy, and warmth than we could have dreamed possible. 

P.S. If you are interested in volunteering for the Menorah Foundation, they can be reached at 310.475.6083 .


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